October 6, 2008

I'm baaaack!

After almost a year of trials and tribulations...

I'm finally in the mood to quilt again! And I'm back with a passion!!!!

I guess it could be worse... I could be bored! Anyone who knows me well, knows that I can't stand being bored....

I'm anxious to get back to my machine so I'll keep this post short and sweet. Well, at least short..lol...
Here's what I'm working on today--->

It's from the Atkinson pattern "Confetti Stars" made with Thimbleberries scraps. I'm making the twin size version. I don't know what standard they use to determine what size to call quilts these days! This top is on a full size bed and I still have 8" of borders to add. (I bet the queen size is gynormous!!! lol.)

I decided to pull an old "what was I thinking when I bought this?" fabric off the shelf to use for the border. Aren't scrap quilts just the best for using up stuff you might not otherwise? And truly, I can't remember why I thought I'd EVER use a fabric with.... hot pink flowers in it ;-) LOL! Nope, not my normal "thing" by a long shot.

The fabric is from the Thimbleberries collection "Christmas Greetings", though it sure doesn't LOOK Christmasy, does it?... it must have been on sale... realllllly cheap! But, it looks just fine next to the scrap quilt. Actually, better than fine... but I'll know for sure when it's quilted, that is, when it's too late to change it.

The top fabric is hard to see but it's black with a pinkish purple texture running through. It's from the Thimbleberries "Tuxedo" collection. I didn't buy them to go together but it worked out to be a happy accident!

I don't think there is one scrap of pink in this quilt. Sam, my ex-DH who also happens to probably be my best friend in the world... still..., took one look and said "oh, so is that your maverick quilt?". (All I can say is that I was cutting my strips while watching the Vice Presidential cantidate debates last week wih .... or was that Tina Fey from SNL, hard to tell the difference, eh????)
Hmmmm.... couldn't have thought of a better name for this quilt if I tried!!!! ROFLOL! "Maverick" it is! I tend to name all my quilts before I send them to their new homes. This one is destined to be a 40th birthday present for someone who's stuck by me in though the best and worst of times. Hope it conveys, even just a little, how special she is to me.

Only 999 yards of fabric to use, 999 yards... take 2 down and sew them around...997 yards of fabric to use! (Sung to the tune of 99 bottles of beer on the wall...heeheehee).

Yep, I'm a happy girl... I'm sewing again!


Lindah said...

Welcome back! I trust all is well with you and yours. You're doing beautiful things with your Maverick quilt! By the way...your economy poll results will be interesting to me. I have to say that I'm really not changing anything, except more so, because I was already doing all those other points before this latest economy hiccup. The old stash is looking pretty scrappy. Challenging!

Michele said...

Glad to hear you're back sewing again Patty . . . now if you would pass some along to me I have lots of UFO's that need me!